Sunday, April 5, 2009

Pharmacy School Interview

I had my interview on Friday which was the last step of the application process. I have been looking forward to this ever since i got my letter telling me that i had to have an interview. I wore my suit and my new tie, looking pretty sharp even if I do say so myself. I was planning on fotographing this for my foto project but Caroline had taken the camera while I was talking to my parents on the fone. If I had of planned better I could have got that done. When I arrived I parked in my usual spot and walked over to the Towers. It was interesting to see the students waiting around for all the interviewees to arrive I am sure they outnumbered us 2-1. I checked in and spent 20 minutes or so talking to one of the students about traveling and such. I also signed some sort of confidentiality agreement which I didn't read properly. I was then ushered into the office to the second waiting room, with a couple of other students and interviewees. I waited there and talked about Jacksonville with the students. I was then taken into one of the interview rooms by Dr Moorman and met with my other interviewer Melissa Hanbury (Student Affairs Coordinator). It was a fairly quick 5-10 minute interview with only three questions and then I asked "What can I do to help me prepare before class starts?", which Robin answered for me. Mostly it is just keep learning generic and brand names and make sure I manage my time when classes actually start, which may be the harder part. I found a box of Brand/Generic flash cards a coworker gave me when i first started so I plan to work through them as much as possible. Now I am just waiting for the letter in the mail telling me one way or another what I am doing next year....

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