Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24th

Caroline talked me into playing 6.0 mixed doubles last year which was not fun. I practised a whole bunch with the team but the woman who was supposed to be my partner was playing on another team as well and never practised with me or played with me. So I did get to play one and a half games before the captain decided that I wasn't good enough to play anymore. Here is what happened I played one match with a woman who is a 3.0 and I am a 2.5 so we had already given up 0.5 to the other team and it was the first time I had played competitive tennis and we lost pretty bad. The second game I was supposed to play the other team forfeited my line because they didn't have enough players. After driving out to the middle of nowhere to play I got to play a game that didn't count against the captain and my partner while I played with an extra person the other team had found. I was pissed off and the captain had said that because of the amount of people on the team we were only guaranteed two games and that was my 'second' game. So i got to watch Caroline play every week and in sectionals and then go to nationals. So this year Caroline was trying to get me to play again but I refused to play for the same captain again. One of her friends was having trouble finding guys to play on her 6.0 team so she asked if I would play on that team. I agreed not really wanting to go back to mixed doubles, but at our first match tonight I had heaps of fun and I am looking forward to the rest of the matches. This was the score when we had to stop because it got dark and the lights didn't come on. We finished the game at Epping on Monday night and Kristy and I won! I managed to hit a drop shot that bounced on their side of the net and then spun back over the net to our side, the perfect shot.

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