Monday, February 2, 2009

Superbowl Sunday

I blame the Superbowl for making this entry late. Not specifically the game, but the fact that we went over to Meg and Jon's to watch it. It was not their fault, I had a fun time even if Pittsburgh won eventually. I just didn't have any time to type anything. That is all I care to say about the day and game.
I did get some great news on Saturday. An envelope arrived from the University of Florida and i opened it straight away even though I was walking Fenway. It was an invitation to an interview in April. According to the letter if I am accepted i will be studying at the Jacksonville campus which was my first choice. I immediately called Caroline and she was super excited. I also shared the news with everyone at work today and they were very congratulatory and had advice about the interview and pharmacy school. Listening to them talk about resident applicants and job applicants and how they performed in pharmacy school and their attitude, makes me realise that getting in is only half of the battle and I need to study hard and perform at a high level for the entire time I am back in school in order to possibly get a Shands residency or a position in the Ambulatory Pharmacy.

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