Saturday, October 22, 2011

Race for the Cure

We made our annual trip to the Pumpkin patch, but I will let Caroline write about that, mostly because she was the one who started the tradition and I don't think I will do it right. I will however tell about what we did in the morning preceding the trip to the Pumpkin patch. Once again I volunteered to be the Team Captain for the KE Race for the Cure team. There is not too much to do for this other than recruiting and then organizing everyone to meet before the race. We only had 4 team members this year which was a little disappointing, but I recruited some junior runners to go with me. The girls were very excited because they were able to wear their new pink tracksuits that Mum got them on sale (i.e. very cheap).The pig and monkey were gifts from Nana's trip to West Virginia and have been constant companions. We arrived at the fairgrounds and collected our race number and then waited for the rest of the team to arrive. Olivia was very eager to start (you might notice she was taking Monkey with her).

I managed to corral her and get her back into her seat before the race started. All the waiting around proved to be a little much, but I decided we needed to hydrate before the start and that calmed the nerves a little. Monkey was hiding on top of the stroller.We started at the back of the group because we didn’t want to slow anyone down. This wasn’t the best plan as there were a large number of participants who just wanted to walk. We spent the first mile slowly trying to navigate through the crowd to be able to run properly. Once the pack thinned out some we were able to speed up and the race was much more enjoyable. We slowed to a walk at the second drink station to rehydrate and then Matilda decided she was ready to be done at about the 4.5 km mark. We “sprinted” across the line in 41 minutes and then took a ‘finish line’ foto over on the grass away from the crowd.
Of course Olivia was still in running mode.
Then we drove home for a nap before the Pumpkin patch adventure.

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