Saturday, October 2, 2010


It's amazing how at only three weeks, the girls have such distinct personalities. They are honestly such good babies. They aren't fussy much, they don't cry a lot, and they are sweet as can be.

.Olivia, the older sister, is a little bigger still. She is a total cuddle bug. She loves to be held - and usually won't go to sleep unless you do hold her. I'm sure we're encouraging bad habits by doing it - but when you see those can you not? She is a bit more fussy the Matilda too - but not bad at all. When she sleeps, she constantly murmurs, or coos. She is the "loud" baby. Definitely a bit needy, but we need her too so that works out.

Matilda is younger by a minute - and a bit smaller than her big sis. She is such a sweet girl - not fussy at all. She is MUCH quieter than Olivia. You put her down and she just looks so sweet and goes to sleep. She's eating more and more every day and is catching up in weight to Olivia...and has already surpassed her in length. She so precious when she sleeps too!

Life is good with the girls! No one is getting much sleep, but it's worth it!! Hopefully we'll get them sleeping for 4 hours at night. That will be a start!
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1 comment:

Jessica Chism said...

I love that their little personalities are coming out! Can't wait to spend more time with these adorable little girls!