Saturday, October 9, 2010

Awake and Alert!

So my friend Meg gave us a really neat infant gym type thing. You lay the baby on the floor, and then, above their heads, are lots of fun, bright, colorful toys and rattles to look at and play with. Right now the girls are a little young for most of it - but we thought we'd try it out yesterday. Turns out - they LOVED it. I think it was the bright colors...but they just kept looking around and loving it!
Wide awake and looking all around! It's amazing how much more alert they both are after only a month!!!

Maybe even getting to be aware of eachother?

Loving all the fun colors!!! We kept shaking the rattles, but they wanted to look at other things

Playing together.

The good news was, this playing EXHAUSTED them and they slept the best overnight that they have yet. Granted it's still only about 3 hours at a time...but they did go straight to sleep after each feeding. This new toy was a hit!

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