Monday, September 13, 2010

Twins Take Over

I am sure Caroline will correct me with the details as I am writing this while I am tired and sickly. I am going to try and take you through the last several days as best I can. Caroline had finally scheduled her C-Section for the 21st of September so we were looking forward to the girls coming then. For some reason Caroline was concerned with her Blood Pressure (Added by Caroline: becaue my BP at my last appt was way higher than normal - like 20-30 points above my usual). She called the doctor to check and they told her to come in and have some tests done. We arrived at the hospital Wednesday night for the tests expecting it to go quickly. I only brought a magazine becasue i thought it would be a quick in and out exercise. They actually checked her into the maternity ward and we spent a couple of hours with Caroline hooked up to monitors to check on her and the babies.

After the doctor came to see us we were sent home with instructions to rest and collect urine for 24hrs and then come back. This was to check the amount of protein being spilled into her urine. That, combined with the increased BP is a sign of pre-eclampsia. Caroline was not excited about collecting urine but did her best and we headed back to the hospital Thursday night. They took our big jug of urine away for tests and we settled in to wait for the doctor again. i had learnt somewhat fromthe night before and brought more school work but still ran out before anything happened. The urine test revealed elevated protein so they told Caroline she would have to stay the night and see the specialists in the morning.

I went home and I think at that stage we both thought this was just the doctors being cautious and we would be back on schedule for the 21st soon enough. I returned in the morning and found they had switched Caroline to another room because there was a hole in the wall of the original room? I had brought all my school work and was trying to work on my ICS presentation. The high risk specialist came in and ran the ultra sound over Carolines stomach. He decided that becasue of the protein and high BP that we should do the C-section that day!

The nurse was telling us that there was already a C-Section scheduled for noon and being that it was already 10:30 we would probably be after that. Caroline talked to her Mum and told her she had plenty of time to get to the hospital and I was thinking of heading to school to hand in my Dose Op homework then coming back. About 10 minutes later the nurse was back to tell us we were going to surgery NOW!
"Now ,Now?" we replied
"Now, Now" was the response
I changed into my scrubs (provided by the hospital) and they whisked Caroline away to prep her for surgery. I then wandered out to the nurses station and asked about faxing my homework.

Stewart hasn't exactly had any free time to finish this: but basically...the girls are here. We are so happy, proud, excited and completely smitten with both of them. We're also exhuasted, tired, overwhelmed, etc!!!

September 10th, 2010
11:29 am: Olivia Delaney
11:30 am: Matilda Jean

More to come once we get some sort of routine going!!!


Jessica Chism said...

They are beautiful!! Can't wait to see the Morris family again!

Suz said...

I love how you took over his post. :)

LOVE those girls and YOU!